Before we began production of The Witness in 1998, we had a series of life-changing encounters with people from ordinary backgrounds who had made an extraordinary commitment to follow the voice of their conscience, to do what they knew was right even when it was sometimes very difficult. These individuals found the courage to face some difficult truths about their own role in injustices happening to others. Most remarkably, they worked very hard to respond to this tragedy not with fear, anger or judgment, but with creativity and nonviolence. First they changed their own lives, and then they committed themselves to helping create peaceful change in society. Their journey was not about trying to be perfect, but about becoming more honest and more whole. It was about consciously choosing a new direction, of taking small steps every day toward being a more aware, more compassionate, and more courageous citizen of our world. As filmmakers, we wanted to share these powerful stories of personal transformation. So we started a non-profit organization called Tribe of Heart, with a goal of making films about the journey of awakening conscience. The stories we wanted to tell were not about heroes or people of greatness, but about the greatness of the quest to become a better human being, and the heroic qualities that can awaken in any person who follows the voice of their conscience and opens their heart to the plight of those most in need. Touched by this story of one man's remarkable change of heart, people of all ages and backgrounds spontaneously began to take an active role in helping Tribe of Heart bring The Witness to a larger audience. In fact, so many people wanted to help in so many different ways, we often could not keep up! In the simplest terms, we have seen with our own eyes that one person's change of heart can truly change the world. And while our human society is often overwhelmed with cynicism, exploitation and violence, many small and simple but positive changes made by many people can become a very powerful wave of transformation and peaceful change. We invite you to join us on this journey of self-discovery and service in benefit of those who are most vulnerable, human and non-human alike. Along the way, we will learn so much, make many new friends, and share the joy of doing this much needed work. |