Through careful planning, efficient use of resources and the power of grassroots community, Tribe of Heart brings opportunities for life-changing transformation to audiences around the world. Dedicated and highly skilled Tribe of Heart volunteers, ranging from young people still in school to accomplished artists and professionals at the height of their careers, bring our outreach and education programs to life, creating opportunities that empower those who have been inspired by our films to work for peaceful change in their local communities.
Our work is funded by a variety of sources, including income from grassroots donations, the sale of DVD’s, and foundation grants, each of which make up between 20% and 40% of our revenue in a given year. The diversity of our funding sources gives our charitable nonprofit organization an extraordinary independence, and an ability to create films and programs that are free from undue influence by any individual, organization or special interest group. Your volunteer efforts and financial contributions can help us stay independent and continue to offer leading-edge films and programs that reach more people in an ever-wider range of cultures.
We humbly ask for your help in making our vision of a more just and compassionate future a reality. Working together in support of a common cause, we can make a lasting difference for those most in need. Please join us!